Parkinsons and NeuroDegeneration. How to Stop or Slow this with Glutathione.

NeuroDegeneration and Preserving the most Important Organ…The Brain!

Neurodegeneration is the umbrella term for the progressive loss of structure or function of neurons, including death of neurons. We are all suffering this process from birth. Some of use at a much accellerated rate than others. Glutathione plays a vital role in the stabilization of the NeuroDegenerative process. Glutathione protects the brain and nerves from oxidative stress. The oxidative stress that leads to the loss of the function of the brain. Many neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’sAlzheimer’s, and Huntington’s occur as a result of neurodegenerative processes. As research progresses, many similarities appear which relate these diseases to one another on a sub-cellular level. Discovering these similarities offers hope for therapeutic advances that could ameliorate many diseases simultaneously. There are many parallels between different neurodegenerative disorders including atypical protein assemblies as well as induced cell death. Neurodegeneration can be found in many different levels of neuronal circuitry ranging from molecular to systemic.

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