Methylation, Dopamine, oxidation and Parkinsons Disease.

The below video was made by a college of mine. He is a fellow Functional Neurologist and did such a good job at explaining how Dopamine when not properly metabolized can become a source of the problem. What happens is the Dopamine when oxidized or acted on by chemicals and toxins in your brain can become dopamine quinones which damage brain cells. This is why L-dopa can increase the rate of death of the very nerves we are trying to save. So in order to stop shaking we cause our disease to progress more rapidly. Both Methylation and too much MOA action can be the issue the has caused the brain disorder to begin with and these can be treated with natural nutrients and dietary changes along with Glutathione suppositories. Glutathione it the brains master anti oxidant and will protect your brain from this cascade. Take a look at for product information.