Chiropractic for Parkinson’s? Be Cautious By Dean P. Sutherland, M.D. Ph.D.

Below see a article from Dean P. Sutherland, M.D. Ph.D. You can then read my response to his article. It’s sad to see the medical community discount things they aren’t familiar with or understand.

Many patients are interested alternative therapy for medical diseases, with at least 80% of adults taking some form of vitamins, herbal preparations, acupuncture, biofeedback, Tai Chi, Yoga, etc. With regard to PD, data from small studies show that PD patients have improvement in sense of well-being and stiffness with both Tai Chi and Yoga, but no changes in motor performance. Data regarding chiropractic treatment for PD has not been available or reliable.
My approach to PD has always been “as long as it will not hurt you, it’s probably okay, as long as you don’t use it as your sole method of treatment.” By “hurt you” I mean physical damage or injury, worsening of PD, significant pain, or mental/psychological damage. I would include giving false hope or making unfounded claims as being harmful to patients, emotionally, financially, and often physically.
There are clearly some well-educated, conservative chiropracters who offer treatments locally for a variety of well-established conditions. As long as PD patients are aware that there is no good scientific evidence either way regarding effectiveness for PD and they look carefully at what is being offered or claimed by the chiropracter, then they may choose to try it.
Of particular concern, however, is when fantastical, non-scientific claims are being made. These can be found locally as well as nationally. I would caution patients to avoid some treatments in particular, especially those that are invasive. “Functional Cranial Release,” for instance, is a non-scientific and somewhat risky procedure that is being touted as a treatment for just about everything, including PD. It involves a balloon being inserted into the nasal passages, then expanded, then contracted and removed, with claims that it is restoring or correcting cranial abnormalities. It is further claimed that this procedure treats Alzheimer’s, headaches, migraines, ringing in the ears, fibromyalgia, and the list goes on and on. The purported mechanism of patient improvement is by “improving blood flow and oxygenation” to the brain and “releasing nerves.” Patients are reportedly dramatically improved and, sometimes, told they can stop taking their medications. Nasal damage has been clearly documented in some patients who underwent this procedure.
This meets the classic criteria for a scam: unproven claims, lack of scientific evidence, miraculous reversal of degenerative processes, panacea (good for anything), aggressive marketing with glowing testimonials, lack of anatomical/physiological basis in reality. See
To summarize, patients should not avoid chiropracters as a group, but, just as in any profession, there are a few practitioners and treatments who should be avoided at all cost.

DR John Lieurance says:Your comment is awaiting moderation.

January 16, 2013 at 9:53 pm

I’m flattered that you have mentioned my work in your blog. The endo-nasal work is a very small part of our treatment with PD. Although compared to many of the other modalities I use it can have some profound effects on brain function and creating positive plastic changes centrally in the brain as well as helping many patients absorb NO2 through he sinus’ and improve nasal breathing in mouth breathers. It is by no means a panacea and is not presented such at my office as you state in your blog. Much of the work I do with PD and TBI uses basic neurology applications based on principles of the individual metabolic capacity and the specific presynaptic pools I am looking to fire. I would hate for you to mis lead your readers as to what I am doing for PD. I would be interested in lunch anytime to discuss how we can work together in our community to serve the PD patients. Also the endo-nasal is extremely safe. Certainly not a risk for any patient to have this treatment based on almost 20 years of performing thousands of treatment.



Dr. John Lieurance