Glutathione & Stroke Recovery


Cell death and free radical damage are results from stroke victims. Enhancing mitochondrial energy production is key to reestablishing function in these cells. Glutathione’s profound antioxidant activity plays a vital role in this process.

More articles:

Relationship between plasma glutathione Levels and cardiovascular disease in a defined population: The hisayama study.

Antioxidant status in acute stroke patients and patients at stroke risk

You Need Glutathione for Cellular Integrity

Glutathione is considered to be the most powerful, most versatile, and most important of the body’s self-generated antioxidants.

Although many have touted the benefits of this product, it was sold for many years as an oral supplement. However, it is well known that ORAL SUPPLEMENTATION OF ALL FORMS OF GLUTATHIONE DOES NOT RAISE TISSUE LEVELS OF GLUTATHIONE. Therefore the only way one could truly raise the reduced glutathione levels in body was by undergoing costly direct intravenous administration of reduced glutathione.

What makes our product truly revolutionary is that clinical case studies have demonstrated we are now able to raise tissue levels of reduced glutathione by our ability to combine pure pharmaceutical grade Reduced Glutathione into our proprietary patent pending suppository base, thus effectively allowing Reduced Glutathione in combination with N Acetyl Cysteine to be delivered directly into the blood stream effecting an elevation of the serum glutathione levels.

Among glutathione’s many important properties are:

* Detoxification/Chelation

– Heavy metal toxicity including mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium:
– Common toxins that glutathione may help protect against are car exhaust, cigarette smoke, aspirin and alcohol (Marz, p. 78, 1997)
– Pesticide and industrial chemical exposure
– Steroids
– Bacterial toxins (Clostridia difficile)
– Pharmaceuticals (very long list that need to be detoxified by the liver) (Marz, p. 79, 1997)

* Immune enhancement: 1-3 g per day. This is especially effective against clostridium in the GI. It helps prevent translocation.
* Psoriasis
* Diabetes mellitus: Especially in ketosis as DM patients will generally excrete increased amounts of sulfur containing amino acids.
* Liver disease including cirrhosis and fatty liver disease caused by alcohol: Clinical Research and Case studies show significant improvement in as little as 2 weeks.
* Ulcers intestinal or stomach: In patients with stomach ulcers low levels of GSH have been found.
* Aspirin or phenacetin overdose (useful for rheumatoid arthritis patients or chronic pain sufferers on 8 or more aspirin/day)
* Hematological conditions: myelofibrosis, acute leukemia, chronic myelocytic leukemia, lymphoma, polycythemia vera
* Alcoholism
* Before radiation therapy
* Cataracts
* Detached Retinas
Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, ALS (Lou Gherig’s disease), Multiple Sclerosis,, other neurologic conditions including Autism/Pervasive Developmental Delay and Chronic Kidney Failure

Therapeutically, Glutahione is:

* Found in almost all living cells. The liver, spleen, kidneys, pancreas, and the lens and cornea, have the highest concentrations in the body
* A POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT and thus neutralizes free radicals and prevents their formation
* An Important role in immune function via white blood cell production and is one of the most potent anti-viral agents known
* One of the strongest anti-cancer agents manufactured by the body.
* Used by the liver to detoxify toxins including formaldehyde, acetaminophen, benzpyrene and many other compounds
* An antioxidant necessary for the protection of proteins; is involved in nucleic acid synthesis and plays a role in DNA repair
* Powerful enough to maintain the cellular redox potential
* Glutathione levels decrease with age. It is involved in cellular differentiation and slows the aging process
* Able to protect the integrity of red blood cells
* Involved in maintaining normal brain function.


GlutaStat® Nebulization Formula

  • Excellent for chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, and upper respiratory disorders
  • Reduction of rhinorrhea, hyperlacrimation, sneezing, brochospasm,
  • High potency formula results in sustained-release glutathione for optimal blood levels
  • Neuroendocrine axis rebalancing, mental and physical stress conditions, cellular function support, and detoxification of the extracellular matrix
  • Nutrient micro-doses reactivate the appropriate biological immune responses Overview Glutathione is the body’s most powerful antioxidant and detoxifier. Glutathione is a combination of three simple building blocks of protein or amino acids — cysteine, glycine and glutamine. It is a very straightforward molecule that is produced naturally in your body. Yet exposure to toxins, waste build up, and disease process can have deleterious effects on glutathione levels. The quality of adaptive functioning is highly dependent upon adequate, stable levels of circulating glutathione. Proper supplementation with l-glutathione can play a key role in preventing damage caused by free radicals and other reactive oxygen species.

Celebrities with Parkinson’s Disease


Should Glutathione Products be Kept Refrigerated? YES!

Did you know this about glutathione?

If glutathione (GSH) reaches room temperature for as little as 4 to 6 hours, it is rendered useless as an antioxidant. Oral forms of glutathione are useless as well, since GSH readily digests long before it can reach your bloodstream. Thats why the only viable forms of raising human glutathione levels at the cellular level are by injection, by suppository, and by inhalation of nebulized GSH liquid.

Here at GlutaSource, and at our mother company GlutaSource, we manufacture, keep and ship all glutathione products COLD. This is how we assure that our products reach our customers with full potency and abilty to repair and regenerate your body at the cellular level.

Here are some more facts about glutathione. Every human, animal and plant on this planet have glutathione in each cell to perform repairs when cells get damaged or just worn out. The elderly and those who are very ill have the lowest levels of glutathione in their cells. When there is no more glutathione in your cells, you die. Thats why it is so necessary to keep normal levels of GSH up in your body. Whether to fight off disease, keep from getting sick, or just keep from getting old. Don’t take chances with cheaper glutathione products that don’t even ship their products cold.

Want to know they are cheaper? Look at the dosage. 250mg of glutathione in a suppository is only half of the GlutaSource 500MG suppository strength to start with.

Medicinal Glutathione

How Does Glutathione Detoxification Work?

Much of the body’s ability to break down and dispose of chemical toxins is dependent on enzyme detoxification processes that occur in the liver. Excessive exposure to environmental toxins taxes these functions and may make the body more susceptible to certain diseases. For example, chemicals can do extensive damage by oxidizing fats (called lipid peroxidation) in cell membranes. Glutathione is the cofactor of important enzymes that detoxify many hazardous chemicals by binding to the intermediate chemical breakdown products and making them water-soluble for excretion.

What Evidence Supports its Use?

In one animal study, glutathione regressed aflatoxin-induced liver cancers while significantly enhancing survival. Rats given glutathione had an 81 percent survival rate. All rats exposed to aflatoxin but not given glutathione died within 24 hours. In human cancers, glutathione has been utilized in a secondary role to prevent kidney and nerve toxicity from the cancer drug cisplatin.

Glutathione is the principal antioxidant in the deep lung. Aerosol glutathione has been given to HIV patients to augment deficient levels of the lower respiratory tract to improve immune defenses. A glutathione deficiency has been associated with HIV, cancer and other immune disorders.

Glutathione levels decline in the lens of the eye with advancing age, particularly prior to cataract formation. In addition, research indicates that glutathione detoxifies the aqueous fluid of the inner eye, helping to maintain adequate fluid outflow among glaucoma patients.

Two other studies are also worth noting. In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, injected glutathione demonstrated positive effects on sperm structure and function in infertile men. In a test tube experiment, glutathione produced significant inhibition of herpes simplex virus replication.

So, glutathione can directly effect detoxification of the liver, kidneys, lungs, eyes, and many more vital parts of the human body. The diseases glutathione can help are still being tallied, but count Parkinson’s, infertility, HIV, herpes, some cancers, glaucoma and cataracts among them.

Chronic Sinusitis & Sinus Headaches

When you are healthy…inflammation is actually the immune system’s first response to infection or irritation. It’s a good thing! However, uncontrolled, chronic or systemic inflammation is a distinct kind of BAD inflammation, the dark side of what should be a healing process. It occurs when the tissue is continuously injured by infection, stress, irritation, etc…thereafter, chronic inflammation ensues. This is how what should be a healthy defense system turns into a ruthless, life-threatening destroyer.

Traumatic Brain Injury & Glutathione Therapies

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What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventation (CDC), Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious public health problem in the United States.  A TBI is caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain. Not all blows or jolts to the head result in a TBI. The severity of a TBI may range from “mild,” i.e., a brief change in mental status or consciousness to “severe,” i.e., an extended period of unconsciousness or amnesia after the injury.

Types of Severe Tramautic Brain Injury (TBI)

The leading causes of TBI are: Falls (35.2%);  Motor vehicle-traffic crashes (17.3%); Struck by/against events (16.5%); and Assaults (10%); Closed – an injury to the brain caused by movement of the brain within the skull. Causes may include falls, motor vehicle crash, or being struck by or with an object.

Penetrating – an injury to the brain caused by a foreign object entering the skull. Causes may include firearm injuries or being struck with a sharp object.

Meeting the Challenge of Severe TBI with Glutathion Therapies

While there is no one size fits all solution, there are interventions that can be effective to help limit the impact of this injury. These measures include early management and treatment of severe TBI. One treatment that is very helpful for those suffering from a TBI, is glutathione therapies. Not all glutathione supplementation is the same.

Potential Affects of Severe TBI

A non-fatal severe TBI may result in an extended period of unconsciousness (coma) or amnesia after the injury. For individuals hospitalized after a TBI, almost half (43%) have a related disability one year after the injury. A TBI may lead to a wide range of short- or long-term issues affecting:

  • Cognitive Function (e.g., attention and  memory)
  • Motor Function (e.g., extremity weakness, impaired coordination and balance)
  • Sensation (e.g., hearing, vision, impaired perception and touch)
  • Emotion (e.g., depression, anxiety, aggression, impulse control, personality changes)

Approximately 5.3 million Americans are living with a TBI-related disability and the consequences of severe TBI can affect all aspects of an individual’s life.10 This can include relationships with family and friends, as well as their ability to work or be employed, do household tasks, drive, and/or participate in other activities of daily living.

Epidemiology of Stroke
Stroke, a reduction in blood flow to the brain, is caused by blockage in a cerebral artery by a clot or embolus (ischemic stroke) or rupture of the blood vessel (hemorrhagic stroke). Both forms of stroke result in damage or death of neurons in the affected brain
region, leading to loss of brain function. Stroke is a major problem in North America, and indeed the world, given the mortality and morbidity associated with cerebrovascular disease. There are over 40,000 new or recurrent strokes in Canada annually [8] and 700,000 in the US [9]. Estimates of worldwide stroke prevalence (number of individuals with the disease) range from 1.7 to 20 per 1000 individuals [10]. Thus, stroke accounts for 9.6% of all deaths in the world [9-11], making it the fourth leading cause of death internationally [12], and the third highest cause of death in the US [9]. Increasing age is a major risk factor for stroke. The prevalence of silent cerebral infarction (a brain lesion that is assumed to be a result of cerebral ischemia, found incidentally in otherwise healthy individuals) is 11% for the age group 55-64, and increases to 43% of individuals older than 85 [9]. Older patients have less chance of surviving a stroke: 37% of patients 45-64 will die after a hemorrhagic stroke, whereas that number rises to 44% of patients over 65 years of age [9]. Half of all ischemic stroke patients who survive will have moderate to severe impairments, making a major impact of stroke the disabilities arising from brain damage. Stroke is a major cause of disabilities [8, 9, 12]; the severely disabled require long-term care, which has high costs ($2.7 billion a year to the Canadian economy [8]; $62.7 billion in the American economy [9]).

Silent Inflammation and Measuring Oxidative Stress

Most of us have some idea what inflammation is. If a wound gets hot, turns red, hurts, and swells, we recognize that inflammation is at work. In this instance, inflammation is a beneficial process, serving to immobilize the area of injury as the rest of the immune system mobilizes to heal.

Regardless of the source of assault on our bodies, inflammation is the first-alert mechanism that calls into action the cells responsible for surveillance and protection, heralding them to go to work and limit the damage. These cells attack and destroy the invaders, then clean up the damaged cells, repairing and clearing as they go, until a healthy state is restored. As such, inflammation is your body’s first line of defense against injury or infection.

Silent Inflammation

Unlike the above example, researchers now recognize another kind of inflammation: silent inflammation, or SI. This type of internal inflammation has an insidious nature and is the culprit behind the many chronic diseases that are primarily caused by poor lifestyle habits and environmental pollutants. The chronic and continuous low-level demand that silent inflammation places on the body’s defense systems results in an immune-system breakdown. In SI there is no regulated progression of a healthy inflammatory response, no planned sequence from the first alarm to the formation of the last new cell. Many of these reactions become intermingled and hamper one another.

The body tissues themselves may lose their ability to recognize cells that are “self ” from those that are not, and the body may mistakenly identify its own cells as foreign invaders. This internal programming error then continues to trigger and retrigger immune responses, setting the stage for autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, and scleroderma. The result is chaos, and what is even more disturbing is that this process may be happening year after year without our even being aware of it.

We now know that inflammation plays a central role in the chronic illness that remains our number-one killer: coronary artery disease. In fact, elevated markers of silent inflammation, such as homocysteine, CRP, and Lp(a), have been found to be more predictive of heart disease than such traditional risk factors as elevated cholesterol levels (50 percent of those hospitalized for heart disease have normal cholesterol levels).

A landmark study showed that people with high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), one of the cardinal markers of inflammation, were over four times more likely to have heart attacks than those with low CRP levels. Researchers then began to link C-reactive protein, along with other markers of inflammation, to a wide range of chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, and even cancer. Chronic silent inflammation is now accepted as a warning that something is drastically out of balance in a person’s overall health.

Although chronic inflammation can cause a variety of disorders, many of us (and unfortunately this includes many physicians) do not know the warning signs of this kind of inflammation or the best ways to treat it. This knowledge is critical because, if a person has one inflammatory condition, the odds that he or she will develop another condition increase dramatically. Researchers have discovered, for example, that a woman with rheumatoid arthritis has a 100 percent increased risk of experiencing a myocardial infarction. And other recent research has demonstrated that higher CRP levels are also associated with age-related macular degeneration, so the same individual can have more than one condition caused by SI. For all these reasons, slowing down this chronic inflammation syndrome is vital to successful age management, so it is crucial that everyone becomes aware of it, understands its causes, and takes measures to stop it.

Becoming aware of your body’s own inflammation can also be accomplished by measuring oxidative stress levels. The Oxidata Test is the world’s first and only non-invasive urine test that measures the amount of free radicals or oxidants in the body within five minutes.


Everyone has, by now, heard of free radicals and the importance of antioxidants in the diet. This test enables the user to measure the amount of oxidative stress the body is enduring and the results of antioxidant intervention. Many, if not all diseases, afflict the body through oxidative damage. The free radical theory of aging says that it is the primary cause of aging itself.

Free radicals are simply unpaired electrons. Electrons like to be electrically neutral. When they are not they quickly look for something to latch on to thereby creating a new molecule. This is how many chemical reactions take place. Without these oxidation-reduction reactions, not only would life not take place, but many of the other important functions of the body wouldn’t either. For example, white blood cells often kill their bacterial or viral enemies with free radicals.

Free radicals are like fire. Properly confined they are beneficial to the body and, fortunately, the body has means to confine them. These are called antioxidants, and they look for excess free radical activity and neutralize it. It is only when free radicals become unconfined and excessive and start attacking normal, healthy tissue that disease takes place. This happens when antioxidant activity is inadequate, hence the importance of maintaining proper antioxidant activity in the body.

This test measures the amount of a free radical called malondialdehyde (MDA) in the urine. It is a measure of the overall antioxidant capacity of the body. This test is 40 to 50 times more reliable than a MDA blood test. Accuracy is within the range of 90%.

The test is conducted by comparing the color change in a urine sample with a chart. Rather than guessing if an antioxidant program is working or whether it is working too well, this test provides a scientific measurement of results. The test is best taken as a before and after snapshot of the effectiveness of antioxidant intervention through supplementation or dietary and exercise changes.

GlutaSource offers the most effective, reduced glutathione in easy delivery methods.  Glutathione from GlutaSource assists in preventing ROS damage by “scavenging” free radicals. To place an order please visit our products page or call us at 941.330.8553. 


Improving Brain Function With Glutathione


There is significant evidence that the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Friedreich’s ataxia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, may involve the generation of reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial dysfunction. Here, we review the evidence for a disturbance of glutathione homeostasis that may either lead to or result from oxidative stress in neurodegenerative disorders. Glutathione is an important intracellular antioxidant that protects against a variety of different antioxidant species. An important role for glutathione was proposed for the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease, because a decrease in total glutathione concentrations in the substantia nigra has been observed in preclinical stages, at a time at which other biochemical changes are not yet detectable. Because glutathione does not cross the blood±brain barrier other treatment options to increase brain concentrations of glutathione including glutathione analogs, mimetics or precursors are discussed.


Gluta Brain Function