Gatekeeper signal controls skin inflammation

A new study unravels key signals that regulate protective and sometimes pathological inflammation of the skin. The research, published online on January 26th in the journal Immunity by Cell Press, identifies a “gatekeeper” that, when lost, can cause inflammatory skin disease in the absence of injury or infection. The findings may eventually lead to new treatment strategies for the more than 10% of people in the western world that suffer from inflammatory skin diseases.

Although the skin typically remains in a “quiet” state, injury or invading pathogens cause skin cells to sound the alarm and mobilize an impressive immune response called inflammation. Inflammation of the skin is a powerful and appropriate response to infection or injury, but overzealous or unwarranted inflammation of the skin is harmful. Therefore, it is important to understand how skin cells regulate the function of immune cells.

“We knew that skin cells called keratinocytes direct the local immune response, yet the signaling networks in the skin that control the immune response were poorly defined,” explains senior study author, Dr. Rama Khokha, from the Ontario Cancer Institute. “In our study we investigated whether an enzyme called ADAM17 is involved in crosstalk between the skin and the immune system. ADAM17 sheds proteins from the cell surface and has been implicated in immune cell function and development.”

Aditya Murphy of the Khokha lab inactivated the gene for ADAM17 in the skin of adult mice and observed spontaneous production of inflammatory proteins by keratinocytes, culminating in skin inflammation and immune cell proliferation. Khokha and colleagues went on to show that ADAM17 controls Notch signaling in the adult epidermis (the outer layer of the skin). The Notch signaling pathway has been linked with the maintenance of normal skin and was recently implicated in preventing inflammatory skin disease. Importantly, reactivation of Notch rescued local skin inflammation and abnormal immune cell proliferation in the mice lacking the gene for ADAM17.

“Our study provides the first demonstration of the physiological requirement of ADAM17 in Notch signaling and demonstrates that loss of this gatekeeper triggers an immune response, even in the absence of injury or infection,” concludes Dr. Khokha. “A better understanding of the mechanisms that regulate communication between immune and non-immune cells will be of significant value in the treatment of diseases affecting the skin and other barrier tissues.”

An extremely valuable method for down regulating inflammation and the subsequent symptoms is via proper supplementation with glutathione GlutaSourceprovides effective, bio-available reduced glutathione that has rapid absorption throughout the body. We welcome you to check out GlutaSource, review the many testimonials regarding how both glutathione delivery systems have made a difference.

Yours in health,

Glutathione and Autism Spectrum Disorders

Evidence suggests that autism spectrum disorders are influenced by the intricate interface between genetics, immune function, toxic environmental exposures, and increased oxidative stress. Antioxidants have various purposes including reducing oxidative stress, toxicity, and free radical activity. An antioxidant is a molecule with an extra electron that stabilizes free radicals.

The body’s “master antioxidant” is glutathione. Glutathione (GSH) serves as a potent immune system activator providing cellular protection from the damage of free radicals. Glutathione is your body’s most powerful antioxidant. Glutathione (GSH) is your major defense system against illness and aging as it functions both as an antioxidant and an antitoxin. Increasing glutathione levels results in increased energy as your body is detoxified and your immune system is strengthened.

In recent years, various clinical and research findings have been published regarding autism and its causes. One of the most important discoveries about autism is the link between autism and antioxidants, such as glutathione. Recently, investigators in Arkansas discovered that antioxidant levels of autistic children are significantly lower when compared to the antioxidant levels of children not suffering from this disorder. Research has shown that a child with autism has 80 percent lower antioxidant levels than usual.

Without adequate glutathione levels, free radical damage can occur. Free radicals are found in various food substances, and even environmental substances such as smoke, radiation, and pollution. It is antioxidants, such as glutathione, that cleanse the body of harmful substances, so to speak.

The fact that levels of glutathione of children with autism is extremely low is concerning. On the one hand, this means that an autistic child has no way of cleansing your body the chemicals that are derived from the food you eat. Furthermore, the digestive systems of autistic children are not fully capable of digesting and breaking down the food they eat. Given the fact that an autistic child has low concentrations of glutathione the damage can be catastrophic, if proper supplementation is not addressed. It is clear that free radicals and toxicity can damage our brains thus hindering development.

GlutaSource has trained professionals with extensive experience working with children, adolescents, and adults with ASD who routinely conduct evaluations that provide practical and detailed recommendations for immediate support that include utilization of glutathione.

GlutaSource™ provides potent glutathione via effective routes of delivery (e.g., nebulization and suppository) that can reduce various symptoms of ASD caused by poor absorption, toxicity, and free radical damage. The GlutaSource™ product lineup is the result of exhaustive clinical and programmatic research, culminating in the creation of a patent pending blend of ingredients in proportionally correct amounts.

Please feel free to contact visit our website at or contact Dr Lieurance at 941.330.8553 for additional details, questions, or to place an order.

The Danger of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs

What is inflammation? In its simplest form, it’s the body’s response to a perceived threat– whether it’s a splinter in our finger, sunburn at the beach, a sprained ankle or the reddish edges of a paper cut.

When chronic inflammation is maintained over a period of time, it can lead to serious conditions such as cancer, heart disease, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes and others.

Traditional Approach to Controlling Inflammation = Toxicity
How do we control inflammation? Typically, if you have a headache, you reach for an aspirin, right? Or, if the pain is really bad, you go for any number of other Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID’s) such as Ibuprofen, Aleve, Excedrin or Acetiminophen. New drugs, the Cox 2 Inhibitors (Vioxx and Celebrex,) have recently been added to this group.

However, NSAIDs have a not so well publicized record of health risks. Specifically:
• NSAID-induced disease causes at least 113,000 hospitalizations per year.
• Every year 16,500 arthritis patients die from NSAID-related gastrointestinal damage alone.
• 21% of all adverse drug reactions are due to NSAID use.
• People over 60 have a significantly higher probability of experiencing complications associated with NSAID use.

Yet there are over 13 million regular users of NSAIDs in the US, with at least 30 billion over-the-counter NSAID tablets sold annually. If deaths from gastrointestinal toxic effects from NSAIDs were tabulated separately in the National Vital Statistics reports, these effects would constitute the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Yet many physicians and most patients remain unaware of the magnitude of this problem.

When Nutrient Is Not Enough: Supplement with Glutathione

The real answer to controlling inflammation and preventing disease lies in nutrition. Certain foods, nutrients and antioxidants have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. The body’s own anti-inflammatory system heavily depends on Glutathione.

In addition to Glutathione, there are other foods and herbs which have significant anti-inflammatory properties. The following is a brief list of some anti-inflammatory foods and herbs:

• Citrus peel contains a phytochemical called limonene, which is anti-inflammatory and helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

• Tumeric has the active ingredient curcumin in it, which is well known as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

• Nettle Leaf extract is an herb used for its anti-histamine properties.

• Boswellia serrata contains an aromatic gum resin which has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat arthritis.

• Perilla seed extract is an anti-inflammatory which helps heal respiratory tissue and reduce histamine levels.

Because the body makes less and less Glutathione as we age, it is essential to engage in proper supplementation. Many patients have asked me “What makes GlutaSource so different from other Glutathione supplements? Plain and simple, it is absorption rate. If you Google Glutathione, you will find that 80% of the products being offered for sale are simply oral Glutathione. This is troubling because if you simply ingest pure Glutathione it will be broken down into its component parts by the acid in your stomach, and simply stated, will never get into your body in a form that can be used. It has often been stated that the most expensive nutritional supplement you will ever purchase is the one that doesn’t work.

The GlutaSource™ product lineup is the result of exhaustive experimentation, all culminating in the creation of a patent pending blend of the appropriate ingredients in proportionally correct amounts, enabling it to:

1. Utilize efficacious delivery systems such as nebulization and suppository routes not the digestive system.

2. Be preferentially absorbed (because not everything you put into your mouth gets absorbed into your body).

3. Have the ability to pass through two critical membranes – one at the entrance to the cell, and a second at the entrance to that furnace inside each cell called the mitochondria.

4. Have the ability to recycle the spent Glutathione through the liver after it has been utilized to eliminate the oxidants that are the byproduct of ATP production within the mitochondria.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions or comments at 941.330.8553

Best wishes,

What You Don’t Know About Glutathione

Proper supplementation with Glutathione and eating a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables provides the body with the antioxidants and nutrients needed in order to function properly.

The relationship between Glutathione and health status has been well documented in clinical research. GlutaSource is proud to provide potent, highly absorbed glutathione via effective delivery methods.

Here are some of the other benefits that you can get when you increase Glutathione levels:
-You will think more clearly
-Quicker muscle recovery time
-Less soreness following exercise
-Fights the aging process
-Eliminates toxins and waste
-Improves your lung and heart functions
-Improves our immune system

The master antioxidant, glutathione, is produced primarily in the liver. As we age, we make less of it – the liver’s capacity to produce glutathione is reduced by approximately 10 percent per decade. Glutathione plays a key role in slowing down the aging process, and holding off diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, chronic inflammatory diseases (osteoarthritis and Type I diabetes), autoimmune diseases (Lyme Disease, chronic fatigue syndrome), seizure disorder, cancer, and diabetes to name a few.

Until recently the effects of glutathione were an obscure subject matter, but with the advancement of technology over the last decade, the critical health benefits are gaining greater more attention. In fact, if you perform a search for “glutathione antioxidant” on PubMed, you’ll find thousands of peer reviewed (approximately 90,000) clinical research and studies that validate the critical role that GSH plays in the body.

Essential for vitality and health, the numerous benefits of glutathione are overwhelming:

  • In 2004, the Journal of Nutrition reported that a Glutathione’s antioxidant properties have an extremely important role in anti-oxidant defense, nutrient metabolism and regulating cellular events.
  • “Glutathione is a very interesting, very small molecule that’s [produced by the body and] found in every cell.” That’s Gustavo Bounous, MD, and he’s a retired professor of surgery at McGill University in Montreal.
  • Dr. S. J. R. Heales at the London Institute of Neurology has written “when glutathione levels are compromised, the mitochondrial respiratory chain is a vulnerable target and cell death ensues.”
  • A 2003 New England Journal of Medicine article confirmed that a low level of the glutathione antioxidant was associated with an increased risk of a cardiovascular event.

Food, water, and oxygen are recognized as substances essential to continued living, but such is the power of this glutathione antioxidant molecule that it too is essential to our lives.

Here’s What You Know…

We can never get enough Glutathione. You’re never going to overdose on it, it doesn’t have any crazy side effects like HGH does. The benefits of Glutathione antioxidant as the body’s super-powered defender are unparalleled. So the question is, where do we get this stuff?

  • The body produces it naturally
  • We can get more by eating right, living a healthy lifestyle, and proper supplementation

And Here’s A Shocking Twist About Glutathione Antioxidant!

The glutathione we get from those foods isn’t overwhelming. I mean, eating right is its own reward, you’ll get vitamins, minerals, and other great benefits that you can’t get with any pill. I could go on for ages about the importance of a healthy diet! But… when it comes to pure glutathione antioxidant power, we can’t get that from just food alone.

For that… you’re going to need a potent, viable Glutathione supplement. Is Your Trusted Source for Everything Glutathione. Bioavailability and absorption rate of glutathione is essential. Glutathione products from act as immune system boosters, body detoxifiers, and super antioxidants. Please feel free to contact us at 941.330.8553 regarding any questions or you can place an order online.

The GlutaSource team


An Explanation of Functional Neurology.

Functional Neurology is an amazingly powerful, all natural healing technique used to restore people to their optimum state of health.

How does the brain work?

Your brain controls and coordinates all function of the body (Grey’s Anatomy). When functioning normally, the cerebellum, which is the back bottom part of your cranium, sends messages or “fires” to the brain (right and left hemisphere) which in turn “fires” to the brain stem (mesencephalon, pons, and medulla). This is called the “Brain Loop”.


Your health, well-being, physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional stability are all directly correlated with proper brain function….the “Brain Loop”.

When functioning correctly, the cerebellum receives adequate input, sending normal input to the brain’s frontal lobes, which sends sufficient input to the lower brainstem, keeping the mesencephalon from over-firing.

What goes wrong?

Stress…physical, chemical, and emotional stress will adversely effect this “brain loop”. Stress is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is the constant, pervasive, never-ending stress of our culture that is so detrimental.

If one side of the cerebellum is not receiving enough nerve input, it cannot send sufficient nerve input to the frontal lobe, which can’t send enough input to the lower brainstem to keep the mesencephalon from over-firing.

What’s the deal with the mesencephalon?

The mesencephalon (a.k.a. upper brain stem, a.k.a. midbrain, a.k.a. cerebral peduncle) normally is inhibited by the brain. In other words, when the “brain loop” is intact, the mesencephalon is turned off (or on low).

However, once stress interrupts the “brain loop”, the mesencephalon is left unchecked. Basically, the brain gets stuck in a sympathetic (fight or flight) response.


A mesencephalon that is not firing properly causes symptoms such as fibromyalgia, ADD, sciatica, emotional challenges, pain and the list goes on.

What about the cerebellum?

Another key part to the “brain loop” is the cerebellum. This is the back, bottom part of your brain that controls your balance and coordination, spinal postural muscles, and terminates eye movements. When one side of your cerebellum is not firing properly it can lead to a host of common ailments.

A mis-firing cerebellum will cause one side of the postural muscles to be in constant spasm. This one-sided muscle spasm will cause imbalances in the spinal bones. Additionally, individual vertebrae will lock up and be restricted in their normal movement. Consequently, chronic back and neck pain, spinal degeneration, arthritis, disc herniations, and sciatica may develop. Once pathologies are ruled out, chronic dizziness and balance disorders are usually the result of cerebellar dysfunction.

How do you fix the brain?

A thorough neurological examination will reveal which aspect of your brain is not firing properly. Since once side of the body is controlled by the opposite side of the brain (example: right brain controls the left side of the body), most treatments are given on one side of the body to stimulate the opposite hemisphere of the brain.

A safe, gentle, hands-on, dynamic integration process is used to re-boot, reconnect and restore proper brain function. To find out how to set up an appointment with Dr. Lieurance contact us.

Yours in Health,


John Lieurance, D.C.

(941) 330-8553


The Frontal and Pre-Frontal Cortex

The Brain is separated into different Lobes that work together, synching all actions and reactions, making decisions both conscious and unconscious and filtering feelings, emotions, stimulation and responses to everyday stimuli. The Pre-Frontal Lobe or Pre-Frontal Cortex is like your ‘inner grown-up’. It helps you remember where you put your keys and helps you be organized enough to live your life less flustered. It also filters reactive thoughts like preventing you from making an untimely remark about the extra ten pounds your spouse put on over the holidays. It keeps filtering more primitive thoughts that our other lobes send it in order for us to respond to daily stressors more maturely.

Stress = Brain Changes = Brain Degeneration = Poor Health



Stress is the natural enemy of the Pre-Frontal Lobe. Whether it be an event in time (Post Traumatic Stress) or an accumulation over time, stress shuts down, really disconnects the Frontal Lobe and forces us to act and react out of less mature Brain centers. Study of this lobe began after World War II when the British noticed that pilots who were excellent pilots during peace time were crashing their planes when under stress. They started studying the effects of stress on higher cognitive function and they found that under severe or prolonged stress, a disconnect occurs; functional disconnect or functionally decreased higher centers, i.e. loss of, or decreased firing of the Frontal Lobe then diminishes the use of this lobe.

Poor Brain function = Poor discision making!

The Frontal Lobe handles decision making, complex actions and thoughts, cognitive memory and filtering reactions. When your kids talk back to you, it’s your Pre-Frontal Cortex that keeps you from reacting with and equal and opposite reaction. You might scold with a lesson, filtered through your Frontal Lobe that keeps you from yelling or ‘over-reacting’ with something worse. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, those with severe anger issues, and Borderline Personality Disorder are some examples of more severe cases of Frontal Lobe Disconnect. More common we see people that have a less severe disconnect of the Frontal or more specifically the Pre-Frontal Cortex that manifest as a decreased ability to make the best decisions under stress, fear of public speaking, swings of inappropriate reactions to stimuli (yelling at the kids, stressing over the economy), to Anxiety Attacks, bouts of memory loss, or difficulty in making more complex decisions.

Stress Causing Poor Brain Function can Lead to Poor Relationships and Harmony with Others!

 Treatment involves exercises and or therapies that activate the Frontal Lobe. These will “flip the switch” to turn on the connection to this center. As with all Brain-Based Therapy (BBT), the treatment involves “Fuel and Activation”.We feed to brain with oxygen, specific nutrition, and Glutathione and then exercise the Cerebellum, Midbrain or Cortex with an increase firing of the pathways to open up the tollgates to the deficient lobe.

 Your’s in Health,

John Lieurance, D.C.

(941) 330-8553