B-12 increases Dopamine

Vitamin B12 Benefits
Disease and Your Health…
What is the Connection?


Would you like to really understand how vitamin B12 benefits your body? Instead of the usual laundry list of assorted benefits listed without explanation typical of many websites, this information will educate and make sense to you. Information is power… empower yourself now with the knowledge you need to achieve your best natural health.

Ready for the journey? Great. Lets go!

Vitamin B12 is fundamental to protein metabolism and DNA biosynthesis… major metabolic pathways dramatically affecting your health.

Consequently, vitamin B12 benefits are far-reaching… ranging from the formation of healthy red blood cells, generation of energy, control of mood, focus and concentration, protection from degenerative nerve damage that may lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s – even potential protection from athersclerosis and cancer

First, lets highlight vitamin B12 benefits and then we will take a closer look at how vitamin B12 works in your body. As a result, you will take away a high level of knowledge that you can actually apply to improve your health! Its all under your control.

Vitamin B12 Benefits You Can Experience


1) Vitamin B12 Regenerates Another Important B Vitamin Called,“Folic Acid” Without B12, Folic Acid Becomes Trapped in Your Body in a Metabolically Useless Form.

2) Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid Support Synthesis and Metabolism of Proteins and DNA Biosynthesis.Vitamin B12 Interveigns into These Essential Life Processes at Several Key Steps. For Example…



3) Healthy Red Blood Cells Depend on Vitamin B12 Driven Synthesis of DNA. Without B12, DNA Synthesis Shuts Down, Causing Megaloblastic Anemia. Symptoms Include Fatigue, Lack of Energy, Diarrhea, Nausea, Decreased Appetite, Weak Muscles, Headaches, Tingling Sensations and Sore Tongue.



4) Vitamin B12 Supports Synthesis of the Amino Acid “Methionine”Methionine is a Crucial Building Block of Proteins

5) Vitamin B12 Supports Synthesis of Another Amino Acid Called“SAM-e” SAM-e is Required for Over 100 Enzymatic Reactions Required for Normal Metabolic Activity Within Your Body

6) Vitamin B12 Promotes Activity of Hormones and Neurotransmitters Affecting Your Mood These Include Dopamine, Serotonin and Melatonin

7) Vitamin B12 Helps Reduce Dangerous Levels of“Homocysteine”Homocysteine is Toxic Amino Acid (Protein) Associated with Significant Cardiovascular Risk



8) Vitamin B12 Benefits Help Prevent Irreversible Neurological Impairment Peripheral and Central Nervous System Deterioration due to vitamin B12 deficiency has been Linked to Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia




These vitamin B12 benefits are real and tangible. How can a single vitamin produce such a diverse array of benefits ranging from cardiovascular protection to cancer prevention?

Simple! Vitamin B12 benefits are linked by a common pathway in the chemistry of life… a metabolic pathway known as the “carbon shuttle”