Functional Neurology & FCR

What is a Functional Neurology?

Functional Neurology is non-drug, non surgical care for those with neurologically based health problems. There are many conditions people suffer from that are in this broad  category:

  • Learning and Attention Disorders
  • Headaches
  • Vertigo
  • Pain syndromes
  • Developmental disorders
  • Nerve injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Head injury or Stroke
  • Movement disorders

Here is a recent ABC special on Functional Neurology.

These are just a few. People with all of these concerns and more have been helped by Functional Neurology. This specialty certainly cannot offerr a cure for all who present with these problems, but nearly all do improve – some profoundly.

What does Functional Neurology involve?

A history is taken; this includes your current concerns, past health, lifestyle, job, school and family. Next a thorough neurologic exam is performed. The aim of this is to test as  many areas of the nervous system as possible. The doctor wants to know if:

  • An area is working or not
  • It is stable, unstable or sluggish
  • It can be improved by using more healthy areas
  • It can be used to stimulate areas needing improvement

This is followed by therapeutical trial. This means a possible treatment is used, and then you are retested immediately to see if it will work.

What are the types of treatment?

Nerve cells need fuel and stimulation to thrive. Treatment is aimed at providing these; it includes activities that have been shown either by scientific research, past case study, or immediate pre and post testing to activate nerve cells. This may include:

  • Specific adjustments to joints
  • Light, sound, smell and touch
  • Balance activities
  • Breathing exercises
  • Nutritional modification
  • Physical exercises
  • Eye exercises
  • Cognitive exercises

Care is very safe, closely monitored and painless.

See this video that demonstrates Functional Neurology.

Functional Neurology is an amazingly powerful, all natural healing technique used to restore people to their optimum state of health.

How does the brain work?

Your brain controls and coordinates all function of the body (Grey’s Anatomy). When functioning normally, the cerebellum, which is the back bottom part of your cranium, sends messages or “fires” to the brain (right and left hemisphere) which in turn “fires” to the brain stem (mesencephalon, pons, and medulla). This is called the “Brain Loop”.

Your health, well-being, physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional stability are all directly correlated with proper brain function….the “Brain Loop”.

When functioning correctly, the cerebellum receives adequate input, sending normal input to the brain’s frontal lobes, which sends sufficient input to the lower brainstem, keeping the mesencephalon from over-firing.

What goes wrong?

Stress…physical, chemical, and emotional stress will adversely effect this “brain loop”. Stress is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is the constant, pervasive, never-ending stress of our culture that is so detrimental.

If one side of the cerebellum is not receiving enough nerve input, it cannot send sufficient nerve input to the frontal lobe, which can’t send enough input to the lower brainstem to keep the mesencephalon from over-firing.

What’s the deal with the mesencephalon?

The mesencephalon (a.k.a. upper brain stem, a.k.a. midbrain, a.k.a. cerebral peduncle) normally is inhibited by the brain. In other words, when the “brain loop” is intact, the mesencephalon is turned off (or on low).

However, once stress interrupts the “brain loop”, the mesencephalon is left unchecked. Basically, the brain gets stuck in a sympathetic (fight or flight) response.

A mesencephalon that is not firing properly causes symptoms such as fibromyalgia, ADD, sciatica, emotional challenges, pain and the list goes on.

What about the cerebellum?

Another key part to the “brain loop” is the cerebellum. This is the back, bottom part of your brain that controls your balance and coordination, spinal postural muscles, and terminates eye movements. When one side of your cerebellum is not firing properly it can lead to a host of common ailments.

A mis-firing cerebellum will cause one side of the postural muscles to be in constant spasm. This one-sided muscle spasm will cause imbalances in the spinal bones. Additionally, individual vertebrae will lock up and be restricted in their normal movement. Consequently, chronic back and neck pain, spinal degeneration, arthritis, disc herniations, and sciatica may develop. Once pathologies are ruled out, chronic dizziness and balance disorders are usually the result of cerebellar dysfunction.

How do you fix the brain?

A thorough neurological examination will reveal which aspect of your brain is not firing properly. Since once side of the body is controlled by the opposite side of the brain (example: right brain controls the left side of the body), most treatments are given on one side of the body to stimulate the opposite hemisphere of the brain.

A safe, gentle, hands-on, dynamic integration process is used to re-boot, reconnect and restore proper brain function. To find out how to set up an appointment with Dr. Lieurance contact us.


Yours in Health,

John Lieurance, D.C.

(941) 330-8553

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